Class of 2024 Employer Messages

Victoria Poole
25 July 2024

Employers from across the city of Cardiff and beyond have provided words of encouragement and advice the class of 2024, as they near their A-Level and GCSE exam results days in August.

Brought together by The Cardiff Commitment, industry leaders from a range of sectors including construction, engineering, health and the arts, have written messages of support to young people who will be deciding on their next steps, with the aim that their experiences will inspire, reassure and open their eyes to the range of opportunities available to them, whether that be in education, employment, training and volunteering.

What did they say?

 Lee Eustace, Director of Accounted for Limited

My name is Lee Eustance, I am the Director of account for Limited. An accounts practice based in the local area of Cardiff, just behind Matalan on Newport Road.

Leanne- my wife, and I started our business almost 18 years ago from the comfort of out own home. We couldn’t afford a residential building at the time, so operating from our home was the easiest way to do things.

Our team essentially began as a two and grew over time. It did take a while, but as the years passed, new clients came on board, and so did the creation of new job opportunities.

Today our team consists of 18 people, we proudly own our very own commercial building and have just recently acquired another building.

It is very common for anyone reading this to think that running a business is easy. I can assure you, running an accounts practice is not something that just happens overnight. Creating our business welcomed room for errors, and mistakes. However, we persevered through all those difficult and are now an acclaimed practice in the local Cardiff area.

I attended Newcastle Emlyn here in Wales, performed okay in school and attained some A’s, B’s and a few C’s. Leanne performed exceptionally well too.

However, I don’t want you to put too much of a focus on figured because they di kind of narrow your perception on life, and I don’t want any of you reading this to do that too.

I never thought when I was leaving high school that I would be running my own business one day, these sorts of things fall into place as you get older.

If you’re at the same stage I once was at, leaving high school, and don’t necessarily know what’s next, that is completely fine. Everything works out in the end. If you aren’t happy with the results laid in front of you, keep going until you are. You’ll still be okay.

Best of luck, you never know…Some of you may end up running your own business at some point.”


Arsha Kaur, Community Development Support Officer – Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC) 

“Your achievements today pave the way for a future where your actions can make a difference in the lives of others. Embrace this opportunity to create positive change and inspire those around you. Your journey is just beginning, and every step forward is a chance to contribute meaningfully to the success and happiness of people and their families.”


Judy Li, Marketing and Research Officer, Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC)

Former School – St David’s Catholic College

“Well done for everything you have achieved so far! It's a stepping stone to many more unexpected and surprising turns. Although it might not feel like you know what you want to do, my advice is to keep going and keep making new connections. I didn't always know what I wanted to do but I've found that through my interest to help people and make an impact, it's led me to my current role at C3SC - not without some obstacles - but every part of my journey has been worth it.”


Leon Patnett, Head of Youth Engagement, ACT

“I wanted to say - however you're feeling this results day - well done. Whether you got the grades you were hoping for or not, today is an incredible milestone and you should be proud of what you've achieved so far.

I also wanted to reassure you that you don't need to have figured it all out at this point. It can feel like some people know exactly what their next steps are - good for them - but it's okay to explore different options and to work things out as you go.

Whether you're heading to further education, an apprenticeship or something different, trust in yourself and know that wherever you're heading you will learn and grow from the experience.”


Stephen Dukes, CEO of

“"As many of you approach the end of your current round of studies - and after working so hard to prepare for your exams - I wanted to wish you a huge 'GOOD LUCK'.

"At this stage, some of you will already feel very clear on the career you'd like to pursue. Many of you will not be. And I know I wasn't at your age. I just knew I was fascinated by businesses and how they worked. 

"From here it's a process of learning as much as you can while being as helpful and impactful as you can, in every role you do. The rest should take care of itself. The important thing is to fully throw yourself into anything you try next.

"If you're interested in the FinTech sector, Wales' has a growing network ready to employ eager young people who are willing to get stuck in and learn fast. There's so many opportunities out there and employers who, like us, cannot wait to see people like you help to shape our business in future."


Gareth Lewis, Founder & Co-CEO at Delio

“'Leaving school marks a significant transition in life, often filled with excitement, uncertainty, and anticipation. It's natural to feel a mix of emotions, but rest assured that numerous opportunities await you beyond the school gates. The world is full of diverse paths, and your journey is just beginning.

First and foremost, remember that learning doesn't stop after school. Education takes many forms—formal higher education, vocational training, apprenticeships, and self-directed learning. Each path offers valuable skills and experiences. Higher education can deepen your knowledge in a chosen field, while vocational training provides practical skills for specific careers. Apprenticeships combine earning with learning, giving you hands-on experience and a paycheck at the end of the day.

Building a network is crucial. Connect with mentors, attend industry events, and use social media platforms like LinkedIn to make professional contacts. Networking can open doors to opportunities and provide guidance as you navigate your career path.

Don't be afraid to take risks or make mistakes. Every experience, even those that seem like setbacks, is an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace change and be adaptable; these qualities are highly valued in any field.

Lastly, focus on developing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. These skills are essential in every profession and will enhance your employability and career success.

In summary, leaving school is just the start of a new chapter filled with possibilities. Stay curious, keep learning, and remain open to the myriad opportunities that life presents. Your future is bright, and your journey is uniquely your own.”


Jude Holloway, Managing Director, Educ8 Training

“As you stand on the brink of an exciting new chapter in your life, the possibilities are endless. For many school leavers, the question of "what's next?" can be both exhilarating and daunting. While traditional college routes offer one path, apprenticeships are a powerful and dynamic alternative that can set you on a fast track to a successful career.

An apprenticeship offers a unique blend of practical work experience and academic learning, providing the best of both worlds. You’ll earn a salary while gaining hands-on experience in your chosen field, working alongside seasoned professionals who can mentor and guide you. This invaluable real-world experience will set you apart from your peers, giving you a head start in the competitive job market.

In today’s rapidly evolving economy, industries such as technology, engineering, healthcare, and creative arts are seeking fresh talent with practical skills. Apprenticeships in these sectors not only equip you with specific technical skills but also develop essential soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. These are the skills that employers value highly and can lead to rapid career progression. So, as you contemplate your next steps, consider the endless opportunities available to you, to enable you to grow both professionally and personally. Embrace this path with enthusiasm and confidence, knowing that your future is bright and full of potential”



Abigail Bowler, Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator

“Dear class of 2024, as you come to the end of your school career, be proud of all the effort you have devoted to studying for your exams. I know this may be a nerve-wracking time for you, but try not to worry, although I know that is easier said than done! Your grades will not define you, and there are so many opportunities out there for you.

Don't worry if you don't know what you want to do. As you move on to your next challenge, whether that is further study, an apprenticeship, or entering the workforce, be open to learning. Try new things, and even if you don't enjoy them, these experiences will guide you towards a role that better suits you.”

Lucy Squire, Head of Music & Drama , Univeristy of South Wales

“Congratulations on completing your exams! You've reached a significant milestone, and now is the perfect time to consider a career in the creative industries. With 2.4 million jobs in the UK — 66 percent of them outside of London — the sector offers abundant opportunities for passionate and talented individuals like you. The UK's creative heritage is rich and diverse, spanning thousands of years and today is worth an impressive £124 billion, reflecting its critical role in the national economy. This sector encompasses a wide array of disciplines, including art and design, media, dance, and music, each offering unique career paths.

Remember, your passion can be your profession. The creative industries are looking for enthusiastic, skilled, and innovative individuals who are ready to make their mark. By leveraging your education, building your portfolio, gaining experience, and networking, you can embark on a rewarding and exciting career path. Embrace the journey ahead and explore the vast opportunities within the creative industries, your future is bright and full of potential.”

Richard Tobutt, Regional Skills Partnership Manager, Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership (CCRSP)

Former School – Rumney High School (Now Eastern High School)

“Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Be proud of your achievements and excited for what the future holds. You live in a vibrant city where opportunities are endless for those with a strong work ethic. Work hard and you will be rewarded!

I went to Rumney High School. I did OK with my GCSEs and then progressed onto A-Levels at Cardiff and Vale College (CAVC). I always thought I wanted to work in sport and my first ‘proper’ job was as a recreation assistant at Eastern Leisure Centre in Llanrumney. After completing a degree, I then went back to CAVC and taught on their sport-related programmes. 

I have now been working in post-16 education and training for 25 years. Today, I find myself listening to the skills challenges of various employers and then work with Welsh Government to find solutions. You may find the CCRSP Employment and Skills Plan useful as this reports on the key industries across southeast Wales and the opportunities available Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership ( This has been written with you in mind!

If formal education is not for you, then that’s fine. You could be blown away about what’s available through Apprenticeships. I am a big fan of work-based learning, and Apprenticeships offer a great opportunity to earn and learn. You could even reach degree-level.

If you are still unsure about your future career, then that’s normal. I am now 47 and I still think about what I should do when I grow up!”


Charlotte Edwards, Part III Architectural Assistant, Rio Architects

Former School – Whitchurch High School

“Class of 2024 - congratulations on reaching this milestone. Whatever your results may be, remember that the world is full of possibilities.

If you're unsure about what's next for you, be curious. Ask questions, explore every option and don't be afraid to seek advice.  You'll find that there are endless opportunities all around you.

You may or may not be on the path you had envisioned for yourself, but whatever you decide, each step you take will bring you valuable personal and professional experiences and growth.

We wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life. Just remember - don't be afraid to get out there, learn from mistakes and try new things.”


Aled Pilliner, Branch Manager, Travis Perkins

“I understand the anxiety that comes with leaving school and stepping into the next chapter of your life I want to reassure you that there are countless opportunities available to you, whether you’re pursuing further education or apprenticeship. My journey at Travis Perkins started at a more junior level position and through dedication and hard work, I’ve progressed to my current role. Remember, your path might not be straightforward, but every experience will contribute to your growth. Stay positive – be open to learning – and trust that each step you take is leading you towards a successful future. Good luck, class of 2024!”


Young People can find a host of information on the ‘What’s Next? Cardiff’ website Home - What's Next (

Aimed at 16 to 24-year-olds, the platform is a one-stop shop containing information on education, employment, training and other opportunities in Cardiff, making it quicker and easier for young people to find out options available to them when considering their futures. The platform also contains information on the range of pathways that are available for young people looking to get into in demand careers within a range of priority sectors in the city.

The Cardiff Commitment - the Council initiative that brings together the public, private and third sectors in partnership, with schools and education providers, to connect children and young people to the vast range of opportunities available in education, training and the world of work.

Cardiff Commitment is working closely with Cardiff Capital Region partners to provide young people with information on growth sector opportunities and the skills and qualifications that will be needed for these roles in the future.